*** Welcome to piglix ***

Mathe Forum Schule und Studenten
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There are many things you can do on piglix.com. This piglix lists the main features of the site and many more will be added soon - so keep an eye on this piglix (we suggest adding it to your favorites by clicking on  the star icon at the top right of the page).
piglix posted in piglix demos by Galactic Guru

Please log in or register to add a piglet to this piglix.

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Points System

A comprehensive points system to reward users and contributors of the site's content.

When a piglix, piglet or comment is voted upon, the user who posted it will gain / lose points accordingly. These points serve to express the views of the community as to the correctness, accuracy and presentation quality of the post. 

For example, if you create an interesting and/or useful piglix (20 points) or piglet (7 points), it will likely be voted up. On the other hand if the piglix is poorly-worded, misleading or distasteful - it will likely be voted down. Each up vote on a piglix will generate 1 point(s), whereas each vote against will subtract 1 point(s). 

piglix points are immensely valuable as they may at a later stage, be convertible into crypt-currency. Therefore only 'Registered Users' are permitted to perform posting and/or voting activities on piglix.

Further, if the content you post on piglix is particularly offensive it will very likely be 'flagged' by the community which may result in the content being disqualified and removed, In such cases the points that may have been earned for the effort will be forfeited without recourse. Administrators also have the privileges to edit, alter, correct or remove any content that they deem to be not in accordance with the Terms & Conditions or Community Policy as published.

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Crypto-currency rewards

You can eventually convert your piglix points into a crypto-currency, like Bitcoin. Provided you meet the criteria defined in the piglix.org Terms & Conditions and have accumulated sufficient piglix points to surpass the threshold for conversion, and the piglix.com Reserve Fund has sufficient funds to allow a conversion rate to be determined, you can request that an appropriate amount of crypto-currency be deposited into your wallet / account.

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Personal Data Protection

Users' personal information will never be shared or sold to any third party. This is one of the basic tenets of the way things work at piglix.com which strives to be an altruistic organization that respects its users' privacy.

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Tags, Categories and Fast Search

When you create a piglix, you add 'tags' to it to help people find it. Similarly with Category. You must chose a Category (and optionally sub-categories) that best fit the subject matter of your piglix. If you want to see all piglix that have a particular tag, you can click on it on the Tags page or just search for it in the search box at top right.

To find piglix that are about a particular subject, find the nearest item in the Categories list and click that. Categories have their own page too but are also listed on the right side of most pages.

You can add both Tags and Categories to your Favorites list so that you get Notifications when something is added to your favorites.

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User Public Walls and Private Messaging

Users can communicate with each other either publicly or privately. Post to a person's wall to communicate publicly or send a private message. You can, of course, post on your own wall.
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Favorites Lists of Users, Categories, Tags and piglix

If there is a User whose posts you like to keep up with, you can make them one of your favorites. Do this by clicking on the

 (Star icon) at the top right of the form when viewing that user's profile. This will add the user to your list of favorite users and in future when they post something, you will be notified.

You can do the same thing for piglix Categories, Tags and piglix themselves.

To see updates for items in any of your favorites lists, click on ' My updates ' next to your User Name at the top of the page, then click on 'My favorites ' in the sub-menu.

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No Censorship but Respectful Behavior is Mandatory

The Moderators and Administrators at piglix.com are not permitted to censor your posts based on their own opinions. You can publish whatever you like, as long as you use acceptable language, show respect for all other users and comply with the piglix.com Terms and Conditions of use and Community Policy.

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WYSIWYG editor with image upload

The 'input ' areas for use in creating or updating piglix and piglets are fully capable editors that give you lots of features for adding expression to your content. The term WYSIWYG stands for 'What You See Is What You Get ' and implies that the formatting features you choose to use will be displayed in the editor the same as they will in the published piglix.
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User Created Polls

Just for fun and entertainment, any Registered User can create their own poll with two or more options for users to cast their vote. The person who created the poll can close the voting at any time. Vote counts and percentages are dynamically calculated and displayed as each user casts their vote.
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Share to Other Sites

Share the piglix you create on Facebook, Twitter, Google or even email to your contacts.
