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The Beautiful Game (Portuguese: o jogo bonito) is a nickname for association football by the Brazilian footballer Pelé, although football commentator Stuart Hall is the only individual to have claimed to have coined "The Beautiful Game". In his youth, Hall admired Peter Doherty when he went to see Manchester City play at Maine Road and used the term "The Beautiful Game" to describe Doherty's style when playing.

The exact origins of the term are disputed. The origin has been attributed to Brazilian footballer Waldyr Pereira (Didi), and the presenter Stuart Hall claimed to have originated it in 1958. The English author and football fanatic H. E. Bates used the term earlier, including in a 1952 newspaper piece extolling the virtues of the game entitled "Brains in the Feet".

Earlier writers used the term in 1848 to describe the game of baaga'adowe, a forerunner of lacrosse as played by Ojibwe at Vauxhall Gardens in London, and to tennis in 1890.

Brazilian footballer Pelé is credited with making the phrase synonymous with football. In 1977 he named his autobiography My Life and the Beautiful Game. The book's dedication reads "I dedicate this book to all the people who have made this great game the Beautiful Game." The phrase has entered the language as a description for football. It is used as title for the 13-part 2002 series charting the history of the game: History of Football: The Beautiful Game, narrated by Terence Stamp.

In January 2014, New Model Army released a song called The Beautiful Game in support of the project "Spirit of Football". A football podcast was released with the title "The Beautiful Game".


piglix posted in Sports by Galactic Guru
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