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Mathe Forum Schule und Studenten
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Have you lodged your Police check more than a week back? But have not received the results yet? Of course, you are worried! Aren’t you?

70% of the Police check certificate is delivered within 1-2 business days from KONCHECK. But in 30% cases, the result might get delayed up to 15 days or more than that. Why? Let us explain.

Once you lodge the National Police Check Application, your name, sex, date of birth will be searched in the National Police Checking Service Support System. If the details match with anyone who has a criminal record, this directly goes to manual vetting to police agency or agencies.

If you don’t have any criminal records, the result will come out as Non Disclosable Court Outcomes (NDCO).

You can contact KONCHECK after 15 days if you haven’t received your police check. To know more, you can visit, https://www.koncheck.com/npc.


piglix posted in My stuff other by Rising Star
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