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Mathe Forum Schule und Studenten
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The transportation industry is among Australia's fastest growing. Holding a full driving license, though, isn't enough when driving a hire car, bicycle, city bus, rideshare, delivery vehicle etc. In that case, even a driver accreditation is a must.

To apply for a Driver Accreditation, you may need to have a National Criminal history check. 3-6 months old police checks are not accepted as valid. You can apply for the check, or the driver accreditation body can conduct the check on your behalf.

KONCHECK is an online site and is accredited by Australia Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC). It conducts the check for the required purpose, & 'Driver Accreditation & Licencing, Unsupervised Contact with Vulnerable People'.  In 70% of the cases, the certificate is processed within 1-2 days. It may get delayed if the details of the candidate matches with a suspected offender.  

piglix posted in My stuff other by Rising Star
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