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User s07684735

Member for: 11 months (since Jun 7, 2023)
Type: Approved user
Website: https://casinoterpercaya.org/
About: A lone elephant walked through the forest, looking for friends. She soon saw a monkey and proceeded to ask, ‘Can we be friends, monkey?’
The monkey quickly replied, ‘You are big [url=https://casinoterpercaya.org/]Casino online[/url]
 and can’t swing on trees like I do, so I cannot be your friend.’

Defeated, the elephant continued to search when it stumbled across a rabbit. She proceeded to ask him, ‘Can we be friends, rabbit?’

Activity by s07684735

Score: 100 points (ranked #24)
piglix: 0
piglets: 0
Comments: 0
Voted on: 0 piglix, 0 piglets
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 0 up votes, 0 down votes

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