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Developer(s) DiscreetFX LLC & A-Eon Technology Ltd
Stable release (Internal Beta Release) / January 30, 2014
Operating system AmigaOS, Mac OS X, iPad, Linux, AROS, MorphOS, Windows
Type 3D computer graphics
License Commercial proprietary software
Website www.discreetfx.com/Aladdin4D.html

Aladdin4D is a computer program for modeling and rendering three-dimensional graphics and animations, currently running on AmigaOS and Mac OS X platforms. A-Eon Technology Ltd owns the rights and develops current and future versions of Aladdin4D for AmigaOS, MorphOS & AROS. All other platforms including OS X, iOS, Windows & Linux are developed by DiscreetFX.

Aladdin4D was originally created by Greg Gorby at Adspec Programming in Ohio, and was an updated version of an earlier 3D program called Draw4D Pro, which integrated elements of desktop publishing into its environment. In 1996, the 3D program was then acquired and updated by Nova Design, Inc. Nova Design added many modern features and made it easier to use. It was one of the first 3D animation programs on any platform to employ volumetrics, which were primarily used to create volumetric gas. However, unlike the majority of Amiga 3D programs, it used scanline rendering instead of the more photo-realistic ray tracing technique. Scanline rendering is similar to the rendering technique used in most Pixar movies.

On December 17, 2007 Nova Design sold all inventory, source code and intellectual property rights to DiscreetFX LLC. DiscreetFX is developing a new 6.0 version for Mac OS X, iPad, Android & Linux.

On December 12, 2014 DiscreetFX sold the AmigaOS source code and development rights for Aladdin4D on AmigaOS, MorphOS & AROS platforms to A-Eon Technology. DiscreetFX retains the rights to other non-Amiga platforms.

This software was one of the few 3D applications for the Amiga platform, in the sense that it uses an OS-compliant GUI, supports RTG displays, utilizes the AmigaGuide Help system and features an ARexx port for scripting. Concerning the 3D features of the application:

