*** Welcome to piglix ***


Take pride in helping piglix.com and get rewarded!

piglix.com revenue comes mainly from advertising. But we also encourage anyone wishing to support our philanthropic mission to make direct investment into the organization by purchasing piglix points. These can be acquired at the rate of 100 points per U.S. dollar invested (minimum investment is $10 due to fees and processing costs).

Unlike most 'crowd-funded' projects, piglix.com maintains a 'Reserve Fund'. This Reserve Fund is a special account that will be used to pay out to our users who wish to cash their piglix points. The Reserve Fund account will always maintain at least 50% of the investments made via donations. This guarantees investors that they can never totally lose their investment (unlike virtually all organizations that allow donations).

However, the Reserve Fund will also be boosted with the revenues earned thru advertising (after operation expenses), which means the monies available to investors wishing to cash-out their piglix points may rise even higher than the original investment amount! Investors benefit from this guarantee more so than users who also can cash-out piglix points but at the going rate according to the balance between piglix points issued and Reserve Fund levels.
