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Antony Marlow

Antony Rivers Marlow (born 17 June 1940), known as Tony Marlow, is a British Conservative former Member of Parliament (MP).

Born in Greenwich, London, Marlow was educated at Wellington College, RMA Sandhurst and St Catharine's College, Cambridge.

Marlow was commissioned into the Royal Engineers in 1960, retiring as a Captain in 1969. During his service in Germany he commanded the (then) only amphibious bridging troop.

Before he entered the House, Marlow unsuccessfully fought Normanton in February 1974 and Rugby in October 1974. He gained Northampton North at the 1979 election, defeating the Labour MP Maureen Colquhoun.

Subsequently, he had a reliably Eurosceptic voting record, voting against the Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty, as well as against the entry of Spain and Portugal into the EEC. He was one of eight Conservative MPs who had the party whip withdrawn for opposing a confidence vote, called during the debates on Maastricht Treaty. Together with other rebels, he supported an ultimately successful Labour amendment which set the level of VAT on fuel at half the government's proposed level, a rate that remains to this day.

