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Autonomous region of the People's Republic of China

Autonomous region
China autonomous regions numbered.svg
Category Unitary State
Location  People's Republic of China
Number 5
Populations 3,002,166 (Tibet) – 46,026,629(Guangxi)
Areas 25,000 square miles (65,000 km2) (Ningxia) – 642,800 square miles (1,665,000 km2) (Xinjiang)
Government Single-party government
Subdivisions Prefecture-level city, Prefecture, League, Sub-Provincial Autonomous Prefecture, Autonomous Prefecture

An autonomous region (AR; Chinese: 自治区; pinyin: zìzhìqū) is a first-level administrative subdivision of China. Like Chinese provinces, an autonomous region has its own local government, but an autonomous region has more legislative rights. An autonomous region is a minority entity which has a higher population of a particular minority ethnic group.

The Inner Mongolia autonomous region was established in 1947; Xinjiang was made autonomous in 1955; Guangxi and Ningxia in 1958, and Tibet in 1965. The designation of Guangxi and Ningxia as Zhuang and Hui autonomous areas, respectively, was bitterly protested by the local Han Chinese, who made up two-thirds of the population of each region. Although Mongols made up even less than a percentage of Inner Mongolia, the ensuing Chinese Civil War gave little opportunity for protest.

Note: In the "Third Largest Ethnic Group" column is the ethnic group given in brackets, after the names of the autonomous regions and Han people.

