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Bradley E. Schaefer

Bradley Elliott Schaefer
Born Bradley Elliott Schaefer
Residence Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Nationality American
Fields Astronomy
Institutions Louisiana State University
Alma mater Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D., 1983)
Known for MIT Mystery Hunt, photometry
Notable awards Gruber Prize in Cosmology, LSU Distinguished Faculty Award

Bradley Elliott Schaefer is a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Louisiana State University. He received his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Schaefer is remembered at MIT as the founder of the MIT Mystery Hunt in 1981 during his graduate studies there. The tradition of the hunt continues today.

His research interests include the use of photometry of exploding objects to get results of interest for physical cosmology. He has also researched the dwarf planet Pluto with the aim of understanding the atmospheric variability of the system. Bradley has also studied KIC 8462852, a star with unusual within-day light fluctuations of about 20%, and found that the century-long light (from 1890 to 1989) from the star faded by about 20% as well, adding to the unusual luminosity of the star.

In 2005, at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in San Diego, California, Schaefer reported on a potential link between the long lost star catalog of Hipparchus and a sculpture called The Farnese Atlas, created in the 2nd century, and thus a potential source for antique astronomy. Hipparchus is considered to be one of the greatest astronomers of ancient times, but most of his works are lost to history. The Farnese Atlas depicts Atlas, from Greek mythology, bearing the weight of the heavens upon his shoulders. The heavens are represented by a globe showing the constellations as seen from Earth. By examining the positions of the constellations, Schaefer determined that they are accurately placed according to the positions they occupied at the time of Hipparchus. He concludes that Hipparchus's work may have been the reference for the statue, although this conclusion has been challenged by some other astronomers.

