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Carduelis carduelis 1.jpg
The European goldfinch belongs to a group of red- or yellow-faced species.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Fringillidae
Subfamily: Carduelinae
Genus: Carduelis
Brisson, 1760

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The genus Carduelis is a group of birds in the finch family Fringillidae.

The genus name carduelis is the Latin word for the European goldfinch.

A large number of bird species were at one time assigned to the genus but it became clear from phylogenetic studies of and nuclear DNA sequences that the genus was polyphyletic. The polyphyletic nature of the genus was confirmed by Dario Zuccon and coworkers in a comprehensive study of the finch family published in 2012. The authors suggested splitting the genus into several monophyletic clades, a proposal that was accepted by the International Ornithologists' Union. The siskins and goldfinches from the Americas formed a distinct clade and were moved to the resurrected genus Spinus, the greenfinches were moved to the genus Chloris, the twite and linnets formed another clade and were moved to the genus Linaria and finally the redpolls were moved to the genus Acanthis.

The genus Carduelis is now restricted to three European species:

