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Carolyne Barry

Carolyne H. Barry (born Carole Stuppler, July 20, 1943 – June 16, 2015) was an American dancer and dance instructor.

She was born in Brooklyn, New York. The oldest of four children, she attended the UCLA with a Dance Major and Theatre Arts minor. She was on the board of the UCLA Theatre Arts Alumni, is a member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, and was founder/director of Entertainment Industry Educators.

After years of training, at nineteen, Carolyne started her dance career at the Melodyland Summer Stock Theatre in Anaheim, California. She went on to be a featured dancer, for two years, as the “Girl with the Horn-rimmed glasses” on the ABC television show Shindig!. (For this show she recorded the hit record “I Am The Girl with The Horn-rimmed Glasses” which became an international best seller.)

Carolyne has performed in over 400 national television commercials, thirty-two theatrical productions and approximately one hundred television shows and movies, including appearances in the classic Star Trek episode "Arena" and the Next Generation episode "Home Soil".

From 1983-1989, Carolyne founded and ran the Professional Artist Group, which was the largest training and casting facility in the country. During this time she created formats for Casting Director and Director workshops which have gone on to be a staple for the training and marketing of many actors in major markets.

Since 1982, The Carolyne Barry Workshops have been one of the most successful independent full training programs in Hollywood. Carolyne has trained thousands of professional actors. Recommended by agents, casting directors, and former students, Ms. Barry is recognized as one of the top Commercial Audition teachers. In 2009, she was the winner of Backstage West's Favorite Commercial Teacher in Los Angeles.

