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Ceylon Pentecostal Mission

The Pentecostal Mission (TPM) or New Testament Church (NTC) or Universal Pentecostal Church (UPC) or Ceylon Pentecostal Mission (CPM), is a pentecostal denomination which originated in Ceylon, now Sri Lanka. In some countries, the church is known under different names. The international headquarters is now situated in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This mission was founded in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1923 by Pastor Paul. It now has churches in over 65 countries..

The church was founded by Pastor Paul (Ramankutty). Ramankutty was born to Hindu parents in the district of Trichur in Kerala, India. While in Sri Lanka, at the age of 18, he became a Christian. He later began to preach and share the Christian gospel in various parts of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. It was through his service that the church was founded in 1923. Even after the death of Ramankutty, Over 95% of the members of this church is constituting people from the Indian Sub-Continent.

The church is led by a Chief Pastor, who is usually appointed for life. In addition, there is a Deputy Chief Pastor and an Associate Deputy Chief Pastor. Leadership is passed down after death based on spiritual urge.

These are the current office holders:

In the United States most of the church work was pioneered by late Pastor Don M Spiers, who had previously worked closely with Oral Roberts. After the home call of Pastor Don and Pastor Michael Thomas, Pastor Gregory Wilson is heading the ministries in USA and in other Western and African countries. Sis Lisa Billow is the senior sister for the ministry in USA.

The doctrines of the church include Trinity, New Birth (being born again), Water Baptism, Baptism of the Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in unknown tongues, Separated life from mortal entertainments and sinful circumstances, Divine Healing, Entire Sanctification (of the Body, Soul and Spirit), Overcoming Life, Consecrated Ministry, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Resurrection, The Millennial Reign, The Great White Throne Judgement, and Eternity. TPM encourages divine healing rather than mainstream medicine. The full-time workers in the church will generally believe this to the point of not going to hospitals or doctors. Believing that their rules and regulations prevent the believer from being trapped in the world, they avoid wearing jewellery, so as to lead a simple life, and discourage watching television or movies. They preach and teach separation from the world in order to prepare for the second coming of Christ.

