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The Nationalist Movement is a Mississippi-founded, white nationalist organization with headquarters in Georgia that advocates what it calls a "pro-majority" position. It has been called white supremacist by the Associated Press and Anti-Defamation League, among others.Richard Barrett was succeeded by unanimous vote as leader by Thomas Reiter after Barrett's murder. Its Secretary originally was Barry Hackney, and the position of Secretary was discontinued by Thomas Reiter. Thomas Reiter saved most Nationalist Movement assets and intellectual property after Barrett's murder. The symbol of the movement is the Crosstar. In 2012 with the endorsement of Thomas Reiter, Travis Golie was sworn in as the Leader of The Nationalist Movement. Like Reiter, Golie was an original Barrett-era Nationalist Movement member. Golie returned The Nationalist Movement headquarters to the South where it originated.

In 1987 the movement applied for 501(c)(3) non-profit status. This status was denied due to the organization's use of resources for non-charitable purposes. The movement filed a lawsuit challenging the decision on constitutional grounds, but was defeated. The movement was active in protests against Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Atlanta, Georgia in 1989. Its Neighborhood, Home, Family and Country parade and rally in South Boston drew crowds and police. It held a demonstration in Simi Valley, California in 1992, in defense of the police officers accused of beating Rodney King. In 1993, it held a "Majority-Rights Freedom Rally" at the Colorado State Capitol, in opposition to gay rights.

In 1992, it won in the United States Supreme Court, in Forsyth County, Georgia v. The Nationalist Movement, establishing new First Amendment jurisprudence, which lifted bans on its use of public property and mandated police protection for its parades and rallies. It was sued in 1993 by the Texas Human Rights Commission, alleging that it violated the federal housing bill, but it won the case and had prohibitions against free speech stricken from federal housing regulations. It is financed by donations of members and occasional court-awarded damages from opponents. It sees itself as policing the ranks of nationalists, often supporting the prosecution of white supremacists, such as Matthew Hale and David Duke.

