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Edge-blown aerophones

Edge-blown aerophones is one of the categories of musical instruments found in the Hornbostel–Sachs system of musical instrument classification. In order to produce sound with these aerophones, the player makes a ribbon-shaped flow of air with their lips (421.1), or their breath is directed through a duct against an edge (421.2).

421.1 Flutes without duct – The player creates a ribbon-shaped stream of air with their lips.

421.11 End-blown flutes – The player blows against the sharp rim at the upper open end of a tube.

421.111 Individual end-blown flutes

421.111.1 Open single end-blown flutes – The lower end of the flute is open.

421.111.11 Without fingerholes.

421.111.12 With fingerholes.

421.111.2 Stopped single end-blown flutes – The lower end of the flute is closed.

421.111.21 Without fingerholes.

421.111.22 With fingerholes.

421.112 Sets of end-blown flutes or panpipes – Several end-blown flutes of different pitch are combined to form a single instrument.

421.112.1 Open panpipes.

421.112.11 Open (raft) panpipes – The pipes are tied together in the form of a board, or they are made by drilling tubes *in a board.

421.112.12 Open bundle (pan-) pipes – The pipes are tied together in a round bundle.

421.112.2 Stopped panpipes

421.112.3 Mixed open and stopped panpipes.

421.12 Side-blown flutes – The player blows against the sharp rim of a hole in the side of the tube.

421.121 (Single) side-blown flutes.

421.121.1 Open side-blown flutes.

421.121.11 Without fingerholes.

421.121.12 With fingerholes

421.121.2 Partly stopped side-blown flutes - The lower end of the tube is a natural node of the pipe pierced by a small hole.

421.121.3 Stopped side-blown flutes.

421.121.31 Without fingerholes.

421.121.311 With fixed stopped lower end - (Apparently non-existent).

421.121.312 With adjustable stopped lower end

421.121.32 With fingerholes.

421.122 Sets of side-blown flutes.

421.122.1 Sets of open side-blown flutes.

421.122.2 Sets of stopped side-blown flutes.

421.13 Vessel flutes (without distinct beak) The body of the pipe is not tubular but vessel-shaped.

421.2 Flutes with duct or duct flutes - A narrow duct directs the air-stream against the sharp edge of a lateral orifice

421.21 Flutes with external duct - The duct is outside the wall of the flute; this group includes flutes with the duct chamfered in the wall under a ring-like sleeve and other similar arrangements.

421.211 (Single) flutes with external duct.

421.211.1 Open flutes with external duct.

421.211.11 Without fingerholes.

421.211.12 With fingerholes.

