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Fidèle Moungar

Fidèle Abdelkérim Moungar (born 1948) is a Chadian politician who served as Prime Minister of Chad in 1993. He is currently Secretary-General of Chadian Action for Unity and Socialism (ACTUS), a left-wing opposition party.

Moungar is an ethnic Sara, born in 1948 in Doba in the Logone Oriental Region, who has practiced as a surgeon in France. He started his political career when, along with other exiles, he founded ACTUS, a party hostile to both the FROLINAT and Wadel Abdelkader Kamougué's de facto government of southern Chad, the Comité Permanente du Sud, in May 1979 in Paris.

In 1992, two years after the rise to the presidency of Idriss Déby, he became Minister of Education in the government led by Jean Alingué Bawoyeu. At the Sovereign National Conference (CNS), a reconciliation conference representing most Chadian factions that was first convened on January 15, 1993, Moungar was elected as transitional Prime Minister on April 6, 1993, receiving 444 votes against the 334 received by Adoum Helbongo. He succeeded Alingué as the 5th Prime Minister of Chad on April 7.

Moungar formed a transitional government including 16 ministers, in which all party leaders had a post; among these, Saleh Kebzabo became Trade and Industry Minister, Delwa Kassiré Koumakoye became Communications Minister and Wadel Abdelkader Kamougué became Civil Service and Labour Minister. In a message on Radio Tchad, Moungar asserted his cabinet's loyalty to the CNS' instructions, claiming that his ministers would be the CNS' "missionaries".

