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Historical Truth Commission

The Presidential Commission of the Russian Federation to Counter Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia's Interests (Russian: комиссия при президенте Российской Федерации по противодействию попыткам фальсификации истории в ущерб интересам России) was a commission that was set up by a decree issued by Dmitry Medvedev, president of Russian Federation on 15 May 2009, officially to "defend Russia against falsifiers of history and those who would deny Soviet contribution to the victory in World War II". The commission was headed by Medvedev's Chief of staff Sergey Naryshkin. The decree establishing the commission was invalidated on 14 February 2012, and the commission thus ceased to exist.

Concerns had been raised in Russia for some time regarding the efforts in some former Soviet countries regarding alleged attempts to "revise" the outcome of the Nuremberg Trials and "re-write" the history of World War II, before the suggestion of the federal Minister of Emergency Situations, Sergey Shoygu, finally raised the issue to that of a state political matter in February 2009. Shoygu expressed the need for new legislative measures, similar to those banning Holocaust denial in various European countries, in order to "protect our history, and the heroic deeds of our fathers and grandfathers" in World War II, although Shoygu did not at the time suggest how this should be done.

Already prior to this, however, State Duma member Konstantin Zatulin, had been assigned the task on 11 December 2008 of drafting a bill "On Counteracting the Rehabilitation of Nazism, Nazi Criminals and Their Accomplices in New Independent States on the Territory of the Former USSR".

According to commission chairman Sergey Naryshkin, the tasks of the commission would not be to "re-write" or "politicise" history in the manner of countries like Latvia and Lithuania. Instead, the commission would analyse alleged falsifications of historical facts aimed at tarnishing Russia's international reputation, and advise the Russian president on the ways in which such alleged falsifications can be countered. It was foreseen that the commission would meet at least twice per year.

