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Hospodine, pomiluj ny

Hospodine pomiluj ny (English: Lord, Have Mercy on Us) is the oldest known Czech song. The hymn is a paraphrase of the Kyrie Eleison with deep choral melody. Its text preserves traces of Church Slavonic origin.

Author of the song, dating from the turn of 10/11th century, is unknown. The text has simple form with 8 verses, without rhyme or stanzas. Its definitive version comes from time when Old Church Slavonic competed with Latin and absorbed Czech components. Saint Adalbert is sometimes ascribed as the author; while it may possible it is not confirmed.

First mention of the choral comes from 1055 when it was sung during election of duke Spytihněv II of Bohemia. The oldest recording appears in chronicle of Jan from Holešov from 1397. It was also sung during celebrations and as a war song. Charles IV used it during his coronation, Jan Hus during sermons given in Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. Together with Saint Wenceslas Chorale it is one of the first Czech national anthems. The song, almost unmodified, is still used during liturgy.

In modern Czech orthography: explanatory notes

Latin translation: source

