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Lawrence Auster

Lawrence Auster (January 26, 1949 – March 29, 2013) was an American traditionalist conservative and essayist. He was best known within traditionalist conservative circles for his writings on immigration and multiculturalism.

Auster grew up in New Jersey. He attended Columbia University for two years, later finishing a B.A. in English at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He died in West Chester, Pennsylvania, first staying at the home of a family friend in Pennsylvania and soon after going into hospice care. He was not, as has been claimed, a lawyer.

Auster was never married. He was a cousin of the novelist Paul Auster.

Born Jewish, Auster converted to Christianity as an adult and became a member of the Episcopal Church, a church he said he preferred "in the historical rather than the present tense", because the Church's ordination of openly gay men means "it has ceased being a Christian church". Auster died of pancreatic cancer in West Chester, Pennsylvania on March 29, 2013. Just prior to his death, he was received into the Catholic Church.

Auster was the author of several works on immigration and multiculturalism, most notably The Path to National Suicide, originally published by the American Immigration Control Foundation (AICF) in 1990. In Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster, Peter Brimelow refers to Path as "perhaps the most remarkable literary product of the Restrictionist underground, a work which I think will one day be seen as a political pamphlet to rank with Tom Paine's Common Sense." Professor Gabriel Chin has called Auster "the unsung godfather of the restrictionist movement".

