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Platelet-rich plasma

Platelet-rich plasma
MeSH D053657

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from whole blood, centrifuged to removed red blood cells. It has a greater concentration of growth factors than whole blood, and has been used to encourage a brisk healing response across several specialties, in particular dentistry, orthopedics and dermatology.

As a concentrated source of blood plasma and autologous conditioned plasma, PRP contains several different growth factors and other cytokines that can stimulate healing of soft tissue and joints. Main indication in sports medicine and orthopedics are acute muscle strains, tendinopathy and muscle-fascial injuries and osteoarthritis. Main indications in dermatology for PRP are androgenic alopecia, wound healing, and skin rejuvenation. For preparation of PRP, various protocols are used, with an underlying principle of concentrating platelets to 3–5 times physiological levels, then injecting this concentrate in the tissue where healing is desired.

In humans, PRP has been investigated and used as a clinical tool for several types of medical treatments, including chronic tendinitis,osteoarthritis, for bone repair and regeneration, in oral surgery, and in plastic surgery, for example using a platelet-rich fibrin matrix method.

