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Rauz peoples

Rauz (Zhuang: Bouxraeuz), Liao (Chinese: 僚人), or Lao peoples (Lao: ລາວລຸ່ມ) is an ethnic cluster covering Zhuang, Buyei, TayNùng, and other northern Tai language-speaking peoples. These peoples are inclined to call themselves as Rauz which means "we" or "our people".

The Li reside primarily, if not completely, within the Hainan Province of China.

The Kra peoples are clustered in the Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hunan and Hainan provinces of China, as well as the Hà Giang, Cao Bằng, Lào Cai and Sơn La provinces of Vietnam.

The Kam–Sui peoples are clustered in China as well as neighboring portions of northern Laos and Vietnam.

The center of the Saek population is the Mekong River in central Laos. A smaller Saek community makes its home in the Isan region of northeast Thailand, near the border with Laos.

