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Roland D-50

Roland D-50
Roland D-50 Front (tweaked image).jpg
Manufacturer Roland Corporation
Dates 1987-1990
Price US$1,895
Technical specifications
Polyphony 16 voices, 8 voices (Dual or Split mode)
Timbrality 2-part
Oscillator 32 partials with 2 per voice; 4 per voice in Dual or Split mode
Synthesis type Linear Arithmetic synthesis
Filter low-pass resonant filter referred to as a Time Variant Filter (TVF)
Attenuator ADSR envelope referred to as Time Variant Amplifier (TVA)
Aftertouch expression Yes
Velocity expression Yes
Storage memory 64 patches
Effects reverb, chorus, EQ
Keyboard 61 keys
Left-hand control Pitchbend / modulation lever
External control MIDI in/out, pedal switch

The Roland D-50 is a polyphonic 61-key synthesiser produced by Roland and released in 1987. Its features include Linear Arithmetic synthesis, on-board effects, a joystick for data manipulation, and an analogue synthesis-styled layout design. The external Roland PG-1000 (1987-1990) programmer could also be attached to the D-50 for more complex manipulation of its sounds. It was also produced in a rack-mount variant design, the D-550 (1987-1990), with almost 450 user-adjustable parameters.

The D-50's capabilities could be modified through the addition of third-party products by Musitronics, most notably the M-EX which made the D-50 multitimbral (the D-50 was bi-timbral), as well as a chip that improved the D-50's response to incoming MIDI commands and a system for burning custom PCM cards with user samples for playback in the D-50.

The D-50 was the first affordable synthesizer to combine sample playback with digital synthesis, a process that Roland called Linear Arithmetic synthesis. The engineers at Roland determined the most difficult component of a realistic instrument to simulate is the attack, so the D-50 included almost 100 sampled attacks in ROM. The synthesizer played back an attack and used the synthesizer section to create the sustain of the sound. This dual-use method was required in 1987 since RAM was so expensive. Roland did, however, incorporate a number of "texture" samples that could be mixed into the synthesized sustain-part of a patch. These sustain samples gave many D-50 patches a lush and airy quality, particularly with its heavy use of choir, wind and string samples. The D-50 is probably the first virtual analog synthesizer; the D50 was also the first digital synthesizer to integrate onboard digital effects.

The Roland D-50 was awarded a TEC Award for outstanding technical achievement in musical technology in 1988.

Although the D-50 was among the first non-sampling machines to be able to produce sounds with sample-based characteristics, it was not long before many synthesizers on the market began using similar methods to create sounds. Roland later released a series of lower-priced keyboards and modules that allowed musicians who couldn't afford the relatively expensive flagship D-50 to have some of these sounds (Roland D-10 (1988), D-110 (rack version of D-10) (1988) D-20 (1988), D-5 (1989), MT-32). Though these lower priced D-series synthesizers did not contain the full "LA" synth engine, each was 8 part multi-timbral, and Roland doubled the number of onboard PCM samples. Roland also produced the 76-key, 6-octave "Super-LA" D-70 (1989-1990). With the D-70 Roland removed the digital synthesis section, which was replaced with full-length, more realistic and natural sounding samples, including an acoustic piano, which the D-50 lacked. The D-70 also had an expanded filter and effects section and was 5 part multi-timbral. Even with its improvements, however, the D-70 was unable to catch up with the dominant workstation of the time—the Korg M1—and failed to become the next Roland flagship synthesizer.

