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Savvaty of Solovki
Saint Zosimas and Sabbatius.jpg
Saints Zosima (left) and Savvaty (right) with their lives. The 16th century icon is now located in the Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Died September 27, 1453
Nationality Russian
Occupation Monk

Sabbatius of Solovki (Russian: Савватий Соловецкий - Savvaty Solovetsky; died September 27, 1435) was one of the founders of the Solovetsky Monastery.

Savvaty (Sabbatius) was a monk at Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. Searching for an even more secluded place for complete solitude and silent prayer, he found out that there was a large deserted island in the White Sea.

He heard of Valaam Monastery on the Lake Ladoga and its monks, who had been leading an austere lifestyle. Savvaty moved to this island and continued to surprise his fellow monks with his amazing patience and humility. Savvaty settled near a chapel on the Vyg River. There, he met a monk by the name of German (Herman), who had lived in the woods in solitude. German agreed to accompany Savvaty on his voyage to the island and stay there with him. When they reached the island, they erected a cross and a hermit's cell some 13 km from today's Solovetsky Monastery. After Savvaty's death, newly arrived monks began the construction of the monastery which would come to be known as Solovetsky. Since 1547, Savvaty is venered as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church.

