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Shangpa Kagyu

The Shangpa Kagyu (Tibetan: ཤངས་པ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུདWylie: shangs pa bka' brgyud, "Oral Tradition of the man from Shang") is known as the "secret lineage" of the Kagyu school of Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism and differs in origin from the better known Dagpo schools. The Dagpo Kagyu are the lineage of Tilopa through his student Naropa (often traced through Naropa's famous student Marpa Lotsawa and thus called "Marpa Kagyu") while the Shangpa lineage descends from Tilopa's student Niguma, who was Naropa's sister, as well as from the teachings of Sukhasiddhi. Its founder was Khyungpo Neljor, the student of both women, whose monastery in the Shang Valley gave its name to the tradition.

The principal Shangpa dharmapala is the six-armed Mahākāla.

The Shangpa tradition was revitalized in the 20th century by the first Kalu Rinpoche, who had many students both in Tibet and in the West.

The Shangpa Kagyu lineage was founded by the 11th-century Tibetan scholar Khyungpo Neljor. Seeking to increase his understanding of the teachings he received in Tibet, he traveled to India, where he met the female mystic yogini Niguma. (Vajradhara Niguma is the full Tibetan name of the Indian yogini Vimalashri. He received many teachings from her; in particular, the teachings of a special tradition of Mahamudra and the Six Yogas of Niguma, which are similar but not identical to the Six Yogas of Naropa

