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Sinus Medii

Sinus Medii
Sinus Medii
Coordinates 2°24′N 1°42′E / 2.4°N 1.7°E / 2.4; 1.7Coordinates: 2°24′N 1°42′E / 2.4°N 1.7°E / 2.4; 1.7
Diameter 335 km (208 mi)
Eponym Bay of the Center

Sinus Medii ("Central Bay") is a small lunar mare. It takes its name from its location at the intersection of the Moon's equator and prime meridian; as seen from the Earth, this feature is located in the central part of the Moon's near side, and it is the point closest to the Earth. From this spot the Earth would always appear directly overhead, although the planet's position would vary slightly due to libration.

The selenographic coordinates of Sinus Medii are 2°24′N 1°42′E / 2.4°N 1.7°E / 2.4; 1.7, and its diameter is 335 km. It joins Mare Insularum in the west with Mare Vaporum to the north.

The eastern part of this area is notable for a series of rille systems. In the far northeast is the Rima Hyginus, which is bisected by the crater Hyginus. At the far eastern end is the 220-km long Rima Ariadaeus rille which continues eastward to the edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis. At longitudes 4-6° E is the Rimae Triesnecker rille system, named after the crater Triesnecker just to the west.

The northern edge of the Sinus Medii is formed by a highland region, with the impact craters Murchison and Pallas along the border. Near the northern border on this mare is the cup-shaped Chladni.

