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Steve MacManus

Steve MacManus
Born United Kingdom
Nationality British
Area(s) Writer, editor
Pseudonym(s) Ian Rogan
Notable works
2000 AD
Judge Dredd Megazine
Batman/Judge Dredd: Judgment on Gotham
Sonic the Comic

Steve MacManus (sometimes credited as Ian Rogan) is a British comic writer and editor, particularly known for his work at 2000 AD.

Born in London and educated in Devon, MacManus joined IPC in 1973, aged 20, as a sub-editor on the boys' weekly comic Valiant, until 1975 when he moved to Battle Picture Weekly under editor David Hunt. While working on Battle he also freelanced on Action, appearing as the title's mascot "Action Man", who performed and wrote up stunts and activities such as exploring London's sewers or flying a hot air balloon, as well as writing "The Running Man", "Sport's Not For Losers", and episodes of "Dredger".

In 1978 he was taken off Battle to sub for Kelvin Gosnell on a new science fiction title, Starlord. When it was cancelled later the same year, he became Gosnell's sub on 2000 AD, replacing Nick Landau who was moved to Battle. He wrote scripts for "M.A.C.H. 1", and was the main writer for its spin-off "M.A.C.H. Zero", as well as contributing episodes of "The V.C.s", and also wrote "The Lawless Touch" for another of Gosnell's titles, Tornado.

In 1979 he was promoted to editor of 2000 AD, a job he held until 1986. This period is widely regarded as the title's "golden age", during which John Wagner, Alan Grant, Pat Mills and Alan Moore produced some of their best work, and new talents like Peter Milligan and Grant Morrison joined the line-up. MacManus had a hand in the creation of one of the comic's most enduring characters, "Rogue Trooper", alongside writer Gerry Finley-Day and artist Dave Gibbons, and he co-wrote the character with Simon Geller in 1986.

