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Togoland Protectorate
Schutzgebiet Togo
Protectorate of German Empire
Flag Coat of arms
Green: Territory comprising German colony of Togoland
Dark grey: Other German possessions
Darkest grey: German Empire Note: The map uses the borders of the present-day, but the historical extent for German territories are depicted.
Capital Bagida (1884–87)
Sebeab (1887–97)
Lomé (1897–1916)
Languages German (official)
Ewe, Kotokoli, Kabye
Religion Islam, Christianity, Akan religion, Traditional religion
Political structure Protectorate
Historical era New Imperialism
 •  Protectorate established 5 July 1884
 •  Allied occupation 26 August 1914
 •  Togoland partitioned 27 December 1916
 •  1913 77,355 km² (29,867 sq mi)
Currency German gold mark
Succeeded by
British Togoland
French Togoland
Today part of  Ghana

Togoland was a German protectorate in West Africa from 1884 to 1914, encompassing what is now the nation of Togo and most of what is now the Volta Region of Ghana, approximately 77,355 km² (29,867 sq mi) in size. The colony was established during the period generally known as the "Scramble for Africa". The colony was established in 1884 in part of what was then the Slave Coast and was gradually extended inland. At the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 the colony was drawn into the conflict. It was invaded and quickly overrun by British and French forces during the Togoland campaign and placed under military rule. In 1916 the territory was divided into separate British and French administrative zones, and this was formalized in 1922 with the creation of British Togoland and French Togoland.

The colony was established towards the end of the period of European colonization in Africa generally known as the "Scramble for Africa". Two separate protectorates were established in 1884. In February 1884, the chiefs of the town of Aného were kidnapped by German soldiers and forced to sign a treaty of protection. In the Lomé region, the German explorer, medical doctor, imperial consul and commissioner for West Africa Gustav Nachtigal was the driving force toward the establishment of the West African colonies of Togoland as well as Kamerun. From his base on the Spanish island possession Fernando Po in the Bight of Biafra he traveled extensively on the mainland of Africa. On 5 July 1884 Nachtigal signed a treaty with the local chief, Mlapa III, in which he declared a German protectorate over a stretch of territory along the Slave Coast on the Bight of Benin. With the small gunboat SMS Möwe at anchor, the imperial flag was raised for the first time on the African continent. Consul Heinrich Ludwig Randad, Jr., resident agent of the firm C. Goedelts at Widah, was appointed as the first commissioner for the territory.

