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VIP medicine

In wealthier countries, VIP medicine is a variety of the VIP syndrome — the phenomenon of a perceived "VIP" (very important person) using his or her status to influence a given professional or institution to make unorthodox decisions under the pressure or presence of said VIP — that relates to the accessibility and quality of health care. It is essentially health care in which a physician or hospital accommodates a wealthy, important or famous patient who can afford to pay the full medical bill outright, usually with luxury amenities, and seclusion from the ordinary run of patient, as added benefits. As a result, such a patient may receive something other than the normal standard of care; the deviation may be in the direction of either greater or lesser safety and quality.

VIP medicine may be initially reflected in expedited care in an emergency room or more immediate and direct access to specialists, bypassing primary care providers. A “VIP suite”, or “wing”, is one venue where VIP medicine may be practiced in the hospital setting – indeed, whole floors of a hospital building, at major medical centers, may be dedicated to it. A particular type of formalized and regularized VIP medical practice is known as concierge medicine. Many aspects of medical tourism overlap with VIP medicine.

High-profile individuals typically receiving VIP medical treatment include prominent and powerful politicians, royals and aristocrats, the super-rich (including corporate executives), entertainment and sports celebrities, and eminent or famous medical people themselves. The families or relatives of these types of people are also apt to receive special medical treatment.

The term VIP syndrome is thought to have been coined in 1964 when Maryland psychiatrist Walter Weintraub reported that his hospital had been thrown into turmoil as staff there struggled to respond to the relentless demands of influential patients and their relatives. In addition to the turmoil, Weintraub was particularly concerned by the large number of "therapeutic failures" (10 of 12) among the patients in his series. A high rate of signing-out of the hospital against medical advice was a notable attendant problem.

Prominent or famous people who fall ill have obvious reasons for desiring instant and ample medical care. Additionally, they have a desire to avoid public scrutiny in matters of private medical care, as all patients do, and may demand special accommodations on this basis. They may want to avoid the prying eyes of journalists as well as those of the curious onlookers among the hospital staff who may not be directly involved in their care. Their desire for privacy is an understandable aspect of their need for extra security. Often the pressure on medical staff for special accommodations comes from a VIP’s entourage rather than from the patient.

