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Year Twelve

Year 12 is an educational year group in schools in many countries including England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. It is sometimes the twelfth year of compulsory education, or alternatively a year of post-compulsory education. It usually incorporates students aged between 15 and 18, depending on the locality. It is also known as "senior year" in parts of Australia. Twelfth grade – senior year in the US and parts of Canada – is Year 13 in New Zealand and Great Britain.

In Australia, Year 12 is either the 12th or 13th year of compulsory education or the first or second year of post-compulsory education, depending on the state. However, one may leave school in year 10, after completing a series of compulsory tests, unless in Victoria, where no tests are required. It is the third year of "senior school", following Year 10/11 and fifth year of high school. Although there are slight variations between the states, most students in Year 12 are aged between 17 and 18.

In New Zealand, Year 12 is the 12th full year of compulsory education, with students entering Year 12 generally aged between 15.5 and 17. The minimum age for leaving compulsory education is 16 years of age, so for some students this will be their last year of compulsory education. Year 12 pupils are educated in Secondary schools or in Area schools. Year Twelve was previously known as the 6th form and most students will be studying for NCEA Level 2. It is followed by Year 13, the final year of secondary education in New Zealand.

Year 12 is the 12th year after Reception. In England, it is one option for the second-to-last year of compulsory education and usually forms part of a sixth form or sixth form college. It is also known as the "Lower sixth", with "Upper sixth" being Year 13 in a sixth form; in independent or vocational colleges these titles are not used. Years twelve and thirteen comprise Key Stage 5. In England, students of Year 12 age must continue their education in some form, but this can be part-time as part of an apprenticeship or traineeship, or alongside work. In Wales, Year 12 is not part of compulsory education.

