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HP Sauce
Type Brown sauce
Place of origin United Kingdom
Invented 1895 (1895)
Other information www.hpsauce.co.uk
Owned by H. J. Heinz Company, previously:

HP Sauce is a brown sauce originally produced by HP Foods in the United Kingdom, now produced by the H. J. Heinz Company in the Netherlands. It was named after the Houses of Parliament. It was the best-selling brand of brown sauce in the UK in 2005, with 73.8% of the retail market.

HP Sauce has a tomato base, blended with malt vinegar and spirit vinegar, sugars (molasses, glucose-fructose syrup, sugar), dates, cornflour, rye flour, salt, spices and tamarind. It is used as a condiment with hot and cold food, and as an ingredient in soups and stews. It is also popular in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

The original recipe for HP Sauce was invented and developed by Frederick Gibson Garton, a grocer from Nottingham. He registered the name H.P. Sauce in 1895. Garton called the sauce HP because he had heard that a restaurant in the Houses of Parliament had begun serving it. For many years the bottle labels have carried a picture of the Houses of Parliament. Garton sold the recipe and HP brand to Edwin Samson Moore for the sum of £150 and the settlement of some unpaid bills. Moore, the founder of the Midlands Vinegar Company (the forerunner of HP Foods), subsequently launched HP Sauce in 1903. In 2013, nearly 140 years since it was established, the Midland Vinegar Company Limited returned to the originators family, with Nigel Britton, great great grandson of the founders, now being the owner.

For many years the description on the label was in both English and French. The factory in Aston, Birmingham, was once bisected by the A38(M) motorway and had a pipeline, carrying vinegar over the motorway, from the Top Yard to the main Tower Road factory site. The Top Yard site was subsequently closed, and vinegar was not brewed on the Aston site during the last few years of production there.

  • HP Faunaste is a milder version of the Original brown sauce, using a blend of fruits including oranges and mango to give a milder, tangier taste. This variety has been renamed "HP Chicken & Rib" in Canada and the US (though it can be found in some stores with the original name).
  • HP Beef is a spicier variant in Canada.
  • HP BBQ Sauce is a range of barbecue sauces, and is the UK's best selling barbecue sauce product.
  • In March 2008, HP also announced the launch of HP Steak Sauce.
  • HP Guinness is a steak sauce which includes the famous Irish stout.
  • In the summer of 2008 a version with less salt (45%) and sugar (80%) than the original HP Taste was released.
  • Since 2011 HP sauce has been manufactured with a new reduced sodium recipe 0.8 g per 100 ml. The traditional recipe was 1.2 g sodium per 100 ml. This was a direct result of Government policy with regard to salt levels in food. Consumers report that the taste is now more sour or even tastes "off", which has led to complaints to Heinz.
piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru
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