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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Rivers of French Polynesia
piglix posted in Places by Galactic Guru

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Rivers of Tahiti

This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Rivers of Tahiti


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Fautaua Valley

Fautaua Valley is a river valley on the island of Tahiti, in French Polynesia. It is located near the capital of Papeete. The Fautaua River flows through it, eventually cascading down the mountainside as the Fautaua Falls almost 300 metres (980 ft) into a shallow bathing pool called Loti Bain. The pool is named for the French writer Pierre Loti, who lived in the area for some time. It is the 28th-highest waterfall in the world. The falls are also known as Fachoda Falls, after Fort Fachoda, a ruined fort found at the top of the falls.

The falls are accessible for tourists and hikers, although the purchase of an access permit is required. The hike is estimated to take anywhere from 3-6 hours, depending on which route one takes.


